Minggu, 27 September 2009

What I've got from organization

There are lots of advantages that you can take from being a member in an organization. And if you a smart person, you could get something that you never thought. I want to tell you little bit about what are the advantages that you can take from join an organization. Here some of them:

Busy, join in an organization makes me busy, because there lots of thing to do but little time that I have. The advantages being busy are I lost my free times so that I don’t have time for doing activity that useless, being busy makes me little bit faster to solve problems or tasks, because after I finish a problem, another problem comes. So I must do it fast. The disadvantages of being busy are, sometimes I late. Late come to class, late come in meeting. Because, there are much to do, I must do it one by one and it takes time, but I always try to be good. Try to finish a task or problems on time, so it doesn’t bother my next schedule.

Relationship, being an organizer makes you have a chance to increase the number of your friend list and also you can build a relationship in every activity. Because when you make programs in organization and you are the leader of that organization, you need many people to make it success, because you can’t work alone, so you need someone else, friends are the answer. Beside that people will know you because you often speech in front of them, talk to them or teach them. You will meet various people with various attitude and characteristic. You know them and they know you so your know each other and it’s mean you have built new relationship.

Smarter, why I said smarter? I think be a member of an organization is about how improve you to be a better person. In an organization you are required to be smarter, smarter in manage yourself, smarter in lead a meeting, smarter in talk or speech in front of people, or smarter in make a joke. That is a result after you join in an organization. When you are in an organization you must keep learn, learn how to manage yourself, manage your organization and even manage people. You must learn how to speech in front of many people, built a good relationship and good attitude. If you keep learning while joining in an organization you will be a better person. We join the organization not become worker but we become learner, in the organization we learn and after we graduate we’ll apply the knowledge to our environment.

Joke for English learners

Nowadays, speaking in English has become standard capability. When a company or factory open recruitment for they employees the first and the important capability that the employees must have is English. Even, in campus if there a student can speak in English fluently, it isn’t big news. Moreover many lecturers will give a good point to the students if they can speak and write in English.

Many people afraid to practice English, they said “I’m afraid if he knows my mistake” or “I shame to practice English”. One day, I watched television that presented about English. The man in the show said that “don’t afraid to the mistake, because we learn from our mistake”. We can’t be success if we never did a mistake. We cannot speak fluently if we never speak false word, or misspoke.

There a story about a person that study hard, work hard to practice English. He speaking English the way that he wants, he didn’t think about the formula. So, one day his friends come to his home, here the conversation:

His friend : (tok…tok…tok…) he knock the door

Person : who’s there..?

His friend : me...

Person : who..?

His friend : me

He wondered who it is, so he opens the door and…

His friend : hi, it’s me..

Person : Oo… you, I think who, know-know you (saya kira siapa, tau-tau anda)

What a funny story, the person shows his desire to practice English. We can laugh read this story, but we must learn to this person. He really want to speak English fluently, maybe at that time he make a mistake but in other time he will correct our mistake, because he make the mistake first and he learn from the mistake.

In Mathematics English Club (MEC) we also push the student, specially the organizer to practice English. Our program is “Saturday is English day”. At the time we launched the program many student practice English not only in Saturday but also in other days. But now, we didn’t hear student practice English even in Saturday. Maybe we have to give some punishment.

In the end of this article, I want to say, English is a language. English is not a knowledge or science. We learn it to practice, to use it in our live. We can’t know if there a student have a good capability in English if he didn’t speaking in English. So practice, practice and practice….

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Aceh International Expo (PKA 5) “what a wonderful country”

On August 02, 2009 Aceh International Expo was started. In the morning the culture parade starts from Blang Padang to Taman Ratu Safiatuddin. The parade was so amazing, I realize that my hometown is very beautiful, not only the land but also the culture. Unique, fantastic and wonderful. You can see from the pictures, the people's enthusiasm of waiting for the parade. In the parade there are lots of people wearing their traditional clothes, traditional musical instruments for example "rapa’i geleng", and traditional arts such as "debus," "tari seribu tangan" and others. You also can see some animal in the parade such as, elephants and horses. The parade make me proud of my hometown, I said in my heart “ what a wonderful country!!”
Achenese people really proud with their culture, we said “mate aneuk neupat jirat, mate adat hanapat tamita” its mean if your child died we know where the graveyard, but if the culture died we don’t know where to find. I also love my culture, I can sing achenese song and I can dance, traditional dance like rapa’i geleng, likok pulo and saman.
The parade indicate that the Aceh International Expo start. In the expo all kind of handicrafts are sold and promoted. All districts show their traditional culture, handicraft, photos and many else.
From the Aceh International Expo, At least it prove that :
1. Islamic Culture
Islam came to aceh since 1 Hijriah or year 579. The merchantmen brought Islam to Aceh. Since that time, all of activity that achenese did based on Islam, included the culture. All of songs in aceh tell about Islam, the traditional dances are made to overspread Islam. The poem shown Islamic behavior. Like I wrote above I can dance traditional dances and all of the dances tell about Islam.
I don’t know why the culture of Aceh reflect to Islamic behavior. But, when I was in junior school my teacher ever said that Aceh people love Islamic culture because Islam is the first religion came to Aceh. The characteristic of aceh people are mulishness, so they believe and the first religion that came to Aceh and they did not believes religion except Islam.
2. Aceh is safe
We realize that conflict has brought Aceh to the darkness, but we passed it away. The Memorandum of Understanding that signed in Helsinki makes aceh face new era. The peace era, when the citizen can do what they want, and because of the peace sometimes they also can do negative activity that never did before. There also negative side in every choices right..?
Actually, I’m really happy with the situation right now. Every father can work to earn money, teacher can teach in schools, lecturer can attend the class (sometimes, even the peace come some of lecturer still didn’t attend the class), student like me can surfing in the internet and many else activity can done in peace era. Our job rights now are to keep this peace and make it really useful for us and for our prosperity.

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

My strange Day

Synic : Hello...Mr. Taufik

Me : Ya,

Synic : Where we can meet, I have something to discuss, where your office..?

Me : …….maybe you can come to my faculty, after you arrive in science faculty, you can call me again and I will pick up you

Synic : Ok, I will go to your faculty afternoon.

Me : Alright.

That was an extraordinary day. That telephone made me confused and surprised, that was first time stranger call me and I talk in English with him in telephone. She asked me where my office, I just couldn’t say anything for a moment because I didn’t have office, I just answered she could came to my faculty. After I close the telephone, I smiled to myself and wondered what I’ve done, that made a stranger call me.

After that, I went to my faculty and doing my activity. At 4 o’clock she called me again and said that she couldn’t came. I just said “Oh it’s ok, maybe I can come to your office if that necessary?”. So, in the evening I went to Aceh Learning Center, she wait for me there.

When I arrived in Aceh Learning Center, I felt confused again, because there were 2 person sat in front desk. I didn’t recognize her and she didn’t either. I dared myself to talk with them.

Me : Hi, did you call me today ?

Synic : no, I didn’t call you

Me : I’m taufiq, someone called me just this afternoon.

Synic : I called Dr. Taufik….

Me : (smiled)….. I’m taufiq, Dr. Taufik students.

Synic : ……..

I felt ashamedly and said “maybe someone gave wrong phone number, or maybe you asked Mr. taufik phone number without said Dr. Taufik so the person that you asked gave my number.

She said that, she ever met my lecturer and save his phone number, but she didn’t know why she called me. She said “maybe because I’m very busy, so I called wrong person. But it’s usually happen in Taiwan”.

After that conversation, synic invited me to have a drink in the café near to Aceh Learning Center. So, me, synic and her friend Lee have a drink together. We talked together in that café almost one hour. We talk about the internship project, Aceh condition and Taiwan situation. He said that this year 2 students will go to Taiwan to learn more about computer science especially open source software, and the good news is this program is regularly, so every year there will be 2 students will visit Taiwan for internship program.

After that warm conversation, we took photos together. Synic said to me, I’m sorry for today and for the mistake I don’t know why this happen. I said to them “it’s very strange, because you ever met my lecturer and save his phone number and then you call me. But I’m very happy with this mistake because we can know each other and I’m happy to have a warm conversation with you and hope we can meet and talk again without any mistake”.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009


In the law, we have the same right. It proved that we have a chance to advocate our self or advocated by someone else. So, we are not difference, it doesn’t matter that you are millionaire, businessman, poor man, executive, student, lecturer, governor and others, we still have the same right. So who said we are difference..?

In the election, we have the same right too. Chance to choose or to be chosen. It up to you, you want to use it or not. So who said that we are difference…?

Same as in education, we have same chance to have education. must learn 9 years. My lecturers said “I stand in front of you all, it doesn’t mean that I’m the cleverest person here, or I’m the best, the truth. It is only about time. I born first into this world so I stand here, if you born first, you will stand here and I will sit on that chair”. So, who said we are difference…?

But, I think a person will be appreciated by other people, if his desire to be better bigger than other. His effort to fulfill his dream, to be what he wants to, to make his dream come true stronger than his friends. That make us difference.