Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

What I've got from organization

There are lots of advantages that you can take from being a member in an organization. And if you a smart person, you could get something that you never thought. I want to tell you little bit about what are the advantages that you can take from join an organization. Here some of them:
Busy, join in an organization makes me busy, because there lots of thing to do but little time that I have. The advantages being busy are I lost my free times so that I don’t have time for doing activity that useless, being busy makes me little bit faster to solve problems or tasks, because after I finish a problem, another problem comes. So I must do it fast. The disadvantages of being busy are, sometimes I late. Late come to class, late come in meeting. Because, there are much to do, I must do it one by one and it takes time, but I always try to be good. Try to finish a task or problems on time, so it doesn’t bother my next schedule.
Relationship, being an organizer makes you have a chance to increase your friend list and also you can build a relationship in every activity. Because when you make programs in organization and you are the leader of that organization, you need many people to make it success, because you can’t work alone, so you need someone else, friends are the answer. Beside that people will know you because you often speech in front of them, talk to them or teach them. You will meet various people with various attitude and characteristic. You know them and they know you so your know each other and it’s mean you have built new relationship.

Smarter, why I said smarter? I think be a member of an organization is about how improve you to be a better person. In an organization you are required to be smarter, smarter in manage yourself, smarter in lead a meeting, smarter in talk or speech in front of people, or smarter in make a joke. That is a result after you join in an organization. When you are in an organization you must keep learn, learn how to manage yourself, manage your organization and even manage people. You must learn how to speech in front of many people, built a good relationship and good attitude. If you keep learning while joining in an organization you will be a better person.