Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Sparta Road to Bukit Radar.

Kamis 17 mei 2012, ada apa dengan tanggal itu ??
kalo dikalender sih itu adalah tanggal merah, hari libur karena memperingat kenaikan isa almasih bagi kaum nasrani, tapi bagi kami kaum sparta sby club, itu adalah hari libur untuk saatnya menaiki bukit, haha. Yap kami kaum sparta kembali mencetak REKOR baru dengan berhasil tembus rute yang lumayan berat : Darussalam – blang bintang - bukit radar – krueng raya – benteng inong balee. Jarak tempuh total diperkirakan 75 km.

Perjalanan yang jauh dan melelahkan pastinya, dari yang tersesat, cidera lutut, sampai minum air bak mandi semuanya ada dicerita kali ini, dan untuk pertama kali sepanjang cerita perjalanan sparta, ini adalah trip dengan durasi paling lama, pergi pagi pulangnya malam. penasaran?? sok atuh dibaca

Pukul 07.00 sesuai kesepakatan kita semua kumpul dulu di warung kopi diseputaran darussalam, breakfast dan cek semua logistik. Namun karena hujan deras yang datang tiba2, keberangkatanpun terpaksa delay, sekitar pukul 9.00 baru akhirnya kita berangkat. Jalanan yang basah dan becek membuat kayuhan terasa berat, itu wajar ya, sesuai dengan hukum fisika “gaya gesek yang besar mengakibatkan perlambatan kecepatan” *ntah iya pun :D yang jelas kondisi jalan yang becek kayak gini membuat kami pada kotor semua, tapi kami senang, karena kata rinso “Berani kotor itu baik” itu artinya kami adalah cowo baik. haha

dari darussalam menuju bukit radar, akan melewati bandara dulu dan wajib poto2 dulu. jepreeet

dari bandara kita langsung go ke bukit radar, jalannya masih basah.

isi ulang angin

anda memasuki daerah militer TNI au, kecepatan 40km/jam, nah ini pintu gerbang menuju bukit radar

Secara keseluruhan, medan dirute kali ini lumayan landai, jalannya lebar, beraspal juga, walaupun sebagian besar jalannya sedang dalam perbaikan. Cuma pada saat turunan aja yang medannya lumayan ekstrem, soalnya kondisi jalannya hancur abis, banyak lobang2 yg gak bisa diprekdiksi, trus batu-batunya juga gak kecil2 amat, apalagi dengan kec tinggi, kami harus ekstra fokus dan optimal mengontrol sepeda. Loncat, rem, loncat, rem, blaassst kerikil2 kecil berhamburan, beuuh keren abis. haha.
yang paling keren itu adalh ketika kami berhasil mendarat dengan selamat.

yang penting Gaya

Tanjakan bos.. dorong dorong

Kenapa dinamakan bukit radar?? karena rupanya di bukit ini memang ada stasiun radar, “Stasiun Radar MSSR Bandara Sultan Iskandar Muda” namanya. Lokasinya ada dipuncak bukit, view dari sini keren banget, banda aceh keliatan kecil, pantai krueng raya juga terlihat indah :D tapi sayang kamera kami kurang mendukung untuk mengambil picture jarak jauh, jadi ya gak bisa mengabadikan momen bagus itu

Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Conscious Consumers for Environmental Sustainability

Sustainable Consumption is important for us, for our future. Because we are human kind and we are not going to live forever. We need save this planet to our generation, the natural resources, water and the air, the elements of live.
The definition proposed by the 1994 Oslo Symposium on Sustainable Consumption defines it as "the use of services and related products which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations
Because of that, we do need sustainable consumption and being green is not an option, its necessity. In my opinion sustainable consumption is not only an important issue for developing countries but also advance countries. We can’t say that because of the advance countries don’t care about environment, they keep grow up, the manufactory and vehicles keep produce the pollution, the people don’t pay attention about sustainable consumption, so we can blame it to them, or we can’t say that because of developing countries don’t know about this issue, the people don’t know how to manage their natural resources, how they use and consume in good way. This is our problems and it’s our job to solve it together.
In my opinion we should implemented these roles, first one is produce the better products, the way that we make the products is safe and minimizing the use of natural resources.
Second, cheaper price. If the better products in expensive price, only reach man will buy it. In fact most of people live in developing country in middle profits, which means they can’t buy expensive products. So the better products should sell in cheaper price.The last one is less damage, it should be the better products with sell in cheaper price and less damage.
As youth, the future of our nation, we should know about sustainable consumption and contribute in go green to save our planet. We can contribute in online campaign in social networks. Nowadays, the campaign in social network is powerful, because most of people are connected online. We also can educate people to people, from door to door, start with our area, regency. Next one is we can make a presentation in campus. Because university is the center of civilization, where the agent of change take place. The last one is use mass media. Printed media or electronic media will give big advantage to campaign sustainable consumption in developing country where not every people connected via online.